Individualism has no patterns.

Fast Solutions, Less Effort, Full Transparency

Our Best-Selling Packages

In the past, we increasingly received consultation requests for certain issues. Therefore, we have compiled special consulting packages for you. Benefit from this concentrated expertise by booking one of our proven consulting packages.

Examples of best-selling packages:

  • Authorization Concept
  • Electronic Document Transmission
  • Workflow

All best-selling packages at a glance

Our New Special Packages

You intend to make regular use of the consulting services by Remote Consulting? We'll make it even easier for you: We have put together new special packages for customers with regular requests. This means for you: You book a consulting service, split up the hours as required, pay the reduced price, and have full transparency.

The packages contain an obligation to accept within two years.

Package "S"

includes 20 hours

Price: EUR 4,200

Package "M"

includes 40 hours

Price: EUR 8,100 

Package "L"

includes 60 hours

Price: 11,800 

Our Special Offers

Physical Inventory

The end of the fiscal year is drawing closer and so is the annual obligation which presents many companies with a major challenge: physical inventory. Our two inventory packages will assist you in this task.

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EU Exit (Brexit)

When a country leaves the EU, various tax-relevant data require adjusting in proALPHA. If you are affected by Brexit, there's urgent need for action! We'd be happy to help you with the conversion.

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Intrastat Report as of January 2022

Well prepared with the most important changes!

Get ready now for the extended file format and ensure seamless processes.

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